Restored Apple Air McBook

Restored Apple Air  MacBook

Product Highlights

Glossy Widescreen Display 1440 times 900… 13″ inch intel core 15.1. 6GHz 8 RAM, Led-Backlit!

76 Reviews Good Value!

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Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Tablet A7 Lite, Grey

8. 7″ 3 GB, Slim design!

With a metal frame!

Perfectly sized for Entertainment on the go!

286 reviews! 

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$ 99. 00                               

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Lenovo N23 Chromebook

Lenovo N23 Chromebook

Product Highlights

11. 6″ Celeron Intel N3060 Chromebook!

HD Display, 2 GB Memory!

16 GB EMMC! Good value! 

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$ 52. 99                                               

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Gateway 15. 6″ Ultra slim Notebook

Gateway 15. 6″ Notebook, FHD, AMD, Rysen 7 with Radeon RX Vega 10 Graphics!

512 GB SSD, 8GB memory!

Tuned by THX Audio!

Fingerprint Scanner, 2 MP Camera

HDI, Windows 11 Home!

Charcoal Grey. $ 419. 00                                   

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